How Do Conventional Septic Systems Work?

System Description. A septic tank system uses natural processes to treat and dispose of the wastewater generated in your home. It typically consists of a septic tank and a drainfield, or soil absorption field. The septic tank provides the first step in treatment. As wastewater flows into the tank, the heavier solids settle to the bottom to form a sludge layer, and the lighter solids, greases, and oils float to the top to form a scum layer. The middle liquid (effluent) flows into the next chamber and then into gravel-filled trenches in the drainfield where it is distributed via perforated pipes and then treated by the natural soil system. The diagram above shows the components of a basic septic system.
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Suspended Growth System

Suspended growth aerobic treatment is a process used to provide secondary and (in some cases) tertiary treatment of effluent. After primary treatment via liquid-solid separation, dissolved and some suspended organic matter is still present in effluent. If this organic matter is not removed before the effluent is dispersed, microorganisms in the receiving environment will begin to process it. As they consume the organic matter, they also consume oxygen or create an oxygen demand. The resulting low oxygen or hypoxic conditions negatively affect the receiving environment. The goal of all aerobic treatment systems is to provide oxygen to naturally-occurring organisms present in the wastewater so that they will consume the organic matter before it is dispersed into the environment. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of how much oxygen microorganisms consume as they oxidize organic matter. BOD is thus a commonly used expression of wastewater strength
Fixed Film Media System

Media filters are aerobic, fixed-film wastewater treatment systems. Sand is the most commonly used medium for treating both water and wastewater. Single pass sand filters have been used for well over 100 years and historical uses of this system date back to late 1890’s. Use of other media such as gravel, peat fiber, crushed glass, textile, foam, etc., is gaining popularity in onsite industry as we gain knowledge on how the performance of media filter systems can be improved for onsite wastewater treatment.
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Sequencing Batch Reactor

This type of system is EcoSafe WasteWater LLC's clear choice over other home systems. Designing a Small Flow Treatment System is never a straight forward process. Water tables, soil classification, landscaping, and existing tanks make every installation a “special case.” Thus, your treatment system must be flexible enough to adapt to every installation, but simple enough to make installation and maintenance easy. The simple, and reliable, Purays Bubbler® WWTP is proven technology, which is prepared to handle your treatment needs.
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Membrane Bio Reactor

More for commercial use, the Busse MF Small Size Sewage Treatment System is designed on the basis of DIN 4261 part 2 and is comprised of two treatment steps, pre-treatment (1) and aeration (2). At the pretreatment step, which also serves as waste water storeage, biologically degradable coarse material such as, e.g., faeces, toilet paper, are dissolved and the non-dissolving components separated from the waste water by an aerated sieve (3). A pump (4) pumps the water, from which the coarse material has been separated, to the aeration section. In this step the organic matter in the waste water is degraded biologically by microorganisms and oxygen (5). In addition to this, the waste water is treated physically by microfiltration membranes (6) (ultrafine filter with 0.4 µm pore size). These membrane filters eliminate suspended material, as well as bacteria and germs, ensuring that only totally clear, odourless, hygienically harmless water (filtrate) leaves the system.
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